Ready for unconditional love? Let Nature nurture you!
Einstein said, “Look deep into nature, and you will understand everything better.” Find out how to interpret Nature’s messages that will fill you with awe, inspiration, and healing.
It presents nature as your nurturer, health coach, and wise mentor, in an easy informative manner that's fun to read.
This fascinating book combines ancient wisdom with modern research, imagination with science, and has profound answers from your mom—Mother Nature. After four billion years experience, she has life figured out. Empowering exercises throughout the book will inspire a greater love of yourself and the planet.
Nature who’s been around 4 billion years. It’s time we learn to listen to our mom—Mother Nature, who really does know best!
The fascinating book, “Nature’s Secret Messages” is full of exciting mysteries and don't we love a mystery!
Enjoy the intrigue and fun of unraveling the clues hidden all around us. You'll never view nature or food in the same way again.
Get ready to see magic everywhere!
Mother Nature’s profound wisdom is right outside your door and is free!
The information contained in or made available through this site is intended to help you make informed decisions about your health, not to replace your medical care. Elaine Wilkes, PhD, recommendations are NOT intended as a cure, diagnosis, prescription, or treatment for any disease; physical, emotional, spiritual or mental, and is not a substitute for regular medical care.