Since kids are very frank, here's what students (ages 9-14) have said about Elaine's speeches taken from evaluation forms. We can't make this stuff up!
A few answers of what kids (ages 9- 14) said about Elaine's teachings from questions on evaluation forms.
(We can't make this stuff up!!!)
What did you like about the class today?
"Was able to shatter misconceptions" (From a ten year old)
"I did no work."
"It was fun."
"You were very happy, hands on, fun to be around"
"You spoke very clearly."
"I liked how we learned a lot."
"We learned about cool things not to eat and what to eat."
That it taught me how to have a healthier life."
"The talk."
"We talked about nutrition and stuff like that."
"I learned how to take care of myself for the future."
"It was funny. Cool. Many examples."
"That you seemed really energetic and that you showed us a better way to eat."
"It was interesting and it helped me to see what we can eat and drink."
"The teacher was pretty nice."
"You got to miss regular class."
"I learned what is good for me and what is bad for me."
"What I liked about today is that I know what soda does to you."
"I liked how you show the class how much sugar is in Coke."
"Everything. This lesson was cool."
"It was funny and all the facts were good to know."
"learning about healthy foods"
"learning about what's in the food I eat"
"I liked the idea of how someone took time to come and tell us what to eat."
"When you were talking about the color in foods."
"You told us how to read labels."
"It was fun and interesting."
"Everything was cool."
What did you NOT like about the class today?
"I didn't like what I found out about cereal."
"When you passed the lard around."
"we ran out of time."
"Learning the food I like is bad."
"I liked everything there wasn't anything I don't like."
"That she said soda has a lot of sugar."
"...that the things I liked to drink, I don't want to eat anymore
because I learned how it's not healthy."
"...that some of the foods I eat are bad for me."
"too short."
"I like everything."
"Seeing the gross things."
"having to leave"
"I loved it"
"I didn't like when you said missing breakfast is bad."
"It was too short. I wish we could have had more time."
"The teacher was fun."
"like everything."
"There was nothing I didn't like."
"I didn't dislike anything because all the facts she said were true."
"I can't drink a lot of soda."
"Knowing how much fat is in a cheese burger."
"I loved it all."
"Nothing. It was cool."
Did you get any benefit out of the class? If so, what?
"Yes my life is going to be better now."
" to take care of myself."
"Yes now I know what could drain my energy and make me weaker."
"Yeah, eating breakfast is healthier than skipping it.
I learned more about how to take care about myself."
"Yes, now I know what to eat and not to eat."
"Yeah I did I now know what sugar does to you."
"Yeah. How water can make you better."
"to eat less junk food"
"Yes, that I have to stay healthy."
"Yes how to lose weight and have a colorful plate."
"Interesting things."
"To exercise."
"Yes I did, everything"
Yes I did, I now know that don't eat a lot of bad stuff."
"Yes, I learned that if you can't read labels don't eat it or drink the item."
"You need to drink a lot of water."
"Yes, I don't drink much soda but Im not going to drink it more."
"Yes to eat healthy."
"I learn about the difference between healthy foods and junk foods
and why I have getting adicting to fat food."
What would you like to see more of in the future?
"I would like to see me skinny later in the future."
"Better nutrition in human beings."
"That I drink less soda."
"Billions of people getting healthy."
"Interesting things like today."
Feel free to leave any other comments.
"Thanks for coming to tell us how much water we need and thanks for your time."
"You were a great speaker."
"This class was very informative."
"Thanks for coming."
"Your kool."
"It was fun."
"You did a good job."
"You were awesome."
What teachers say . . .
"You are amazing! You answered all of the students questions. It was great to get their ideas before you started. The pictures and visual aids were very helpful. You are great. I loved the way you talked to the girls individually afterwards."
-Heidi Morris, School Director, Renaissance School, Palos Verdes, CA
Thank you for speaking to my classes about nutrition and healthy food choices. You gave some great suggestions. Your talk was very informative and helpful for teens since, as you know, good nutrition is a hard sell to that age group.
-Judy Cooper, Teacher, Venice High School, CA
"Wide range of topics covered, very friendly, informative, relevant. Great and very informative."
-Casey Bradford, Renaissance School, Palos Verdes, CA