Speaker - Most rquested Green Topics

Please click here to see videos of Elaine speaking.

1. Nature's Secret Messages: Hidden in Plain Sight
2. The "Dirt" on Going Green: Saving the Planet, Your Health, and Your Wealth!
3. Learning is Simplified for LEED™ Accredited Green Associate Exam!

Elaine on stage

1. Nature's Secret Messages: Hidden in Plain Sight

“You wander from room to room
Hunting for the diamond necklace
That is already around your neck!”


Is Nature the missing link in your life?

Uncover nature to discover yourself. Albert Einstein said, “Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.”

This is entirely different from all other nature talks because Elaine presents nature as your nurturer, health coach, and mentor, in an easy-to-follow, informative, yet entertaining manner.

Mother Nature is always speaking to us . . . but in what language? When we learn how to discern her secrets, a world of information appears that can help us live healthier, happier, and more balanced lives. Nature has four billion years experience to share with you, and is right outside your door and free!

This intriguing speech will arouse your curiosity by combining ancient wisdom with modern research, and imagination with science, to help you see Nature in a whole new light.

Elaine WIlkesYou’ll discover how to . . .
• Recognize divine designs, hidden in plain sight,for a more profound connection with nature
• Look at food in new (actually, ancient) ways and choose self life over shelf life
• Cope with change, challenges, and time pressures by asking, What would Nature do?
• Understand the importance of connecting with Nature
• use easy green solutions to save money and help the planet

Elaine presents great ideas with a rare combination of fact, humor, insights and practical concepts that audiences can apply immediately to get better results. Find out the amazing benefits from getting connected with nature. You'll start to marvel at your blackberries—the ones you eat!

Receive wise guidance from your mom—Mother Nature!

“Come forth into the light of things,
Let nature be your teacher.”
— William Wordsworth


2. The "Dirt" on Going Green: Saving the Planet, Your Health, and Your Wealth!

Save Money“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens
can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
—  Margaret Mead

Learn how going green positively affects your health and wallet, along with the planet at the same time.
StreamAs an accredited LEED Green Associate, Elaine gives an
easy-to-follow, entertaining, yet informative talk, which you’ll:
• Truly understand the green movement and the simple things you can do about it
• Learn easy, inexpensive, yet effective non-toxic cleaning remedies
• Be talkin’ trash by learning where your garbage goes and what actually happens to it
• Realize how going green can make you more productive
• Learn ways to cut costs and save money
• Be a steward of the planet
• Gain a deeper understanding of the green movement and how you do make a difference
• Come away inspired with new ideas that benefit you, your loved ones and the planet.
For companies, now is the time to create an action plan to help the planet and your company. You'll discover how money is being thrown away and what to do about it.

This lively, high-energy talk is accompanied by videos, slides, and demonstrations, which confirms that green is the new gold—while keeping you in the pink.

“Nature does nothing uselessly.” —Aristotle


3. Learning is Simplified for LEED™ Accredited Green Associate Exam!

LogoLearning LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) information can be very technical and confusing. There's so much—and where do you even start! As a LEED™ Green Associate, Elaine will give new ways to study for LEED. With all Elaine's credentials, she calls herself a professional test taker! She's taken waaay too many tests and will share with you ways on how to memorize and complete this test—easily and effortlessly.

Rote learning is so 1950 and ineffective!logo

Rote learning is so 1950! Do you think the man who holds the Guinness Book of World Records for memory uses rote memorization? No way! He engages his imagination. Like Elaine reveals in her book, we learn better using our active imaginations and our senses—magic happens! Albert Einstein said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge." She adds, "especially when it comes to taking your LEED exam! Elaine will give tips on how to learn that will make learning easier and more fun. With Elaine's teachings, LEED can now stand for Learning Effortlessly, Easily, and with Delight.

Summarizing LEED so it's not so boring!

Studying for the LEED Green Associate exam can be very dry and boring. It can sound like you're learning a foreign language. They said what??? You may go over and over the same sentence trying to figure out what the heck it means. Elaine takes their jargon and simplifies it. "Hey this just means that . . ." Easy!