Pre Program Questionnaire
This pre-program questionnaire is for Elaine Wilkes's Presentation ______________ on __/__/___.
These questions are designed to help us prepare a program specifically suited to the needs of your group. Please take a moment to answer all the questions fully and email back to [email protected] no later than __/__/___.
We would also appreciate receiving any printed information on your group that may help us with background information, (e.g., corporate reports, news items, in house publications, prod cuts, services, employees, etc.). Thank you for your help!
If you have any questions please call 818 888 2823 or 310 447 8446.
Presentation title:
Time Frame? Start time: _______________End Time:____________________Any breaks? Y N
What is on the program before I speak?
Appropriate dress for the presentation?
Conference title and theme?
______________________________________________ Specific purpose of this meeting/session (e.g., awards, banquet, annual meeting, etc.)
Specific objectives for my presentation?______________________________________________
Sensitive issues that should be avoided:
Introducer's name?____________________________________________________________________________________________
Introducer's Phone number: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Who are the speakers and topics on the program?
What speakers have you used in the past that covered topics related to the material I will be presenting?
What did you like and/or dislike? Withhold their names if you like, but do comment on the material they used.
What comments or suggestions do =you have that will help me make this presentation the best your audience has ever had?
Total attending?__ _________Spouses or children attending?_________
Percentage male/female?__ ________Average age? __________
Average annual income__________
Educational background__________
Major job responsibilities of audience__________
Will there be any special guests?
Why is your group attending this meeting (Voluntary mandatory, etc.)?
How will they be notified?
Location of presentation and venue name
Location at the site (room name, etc.)
Airport to arrive at
How will I be transported front he airport to your site?
Taxi? __________ Rental Car? __________ Driver? __________
Driver's Name__________Phone __________
If an emergency occurs ont he way to the site, who would be tan alternative contact if you're unavailable?
Name and Phone:
Thank you for taking the time to provide this information. I will use it to prepare an outstanding presentation for your group.